뉴코리아 국제특허 법률 서비스 사무소
NewKorea International Patent & Law Office’s intellectual practice encompasses filing an application, response to official communication and registration of patents, utility models, trademarks and designs.
We assist clients with intellectual property protection strategies including an advice on validity for a lawful assessment and protection of our clients’ intellectual properties.
We represent clients in administrative proceedings including trial for invalidation or claim scope confirmation trial before the Intellectual Property Tribunal, in both the Patent Court and Supreme Court.
We assist clients with documentations and alternative methods of dispute resolution on infringement issues.
We perform government’ projects as an Investigation Agency for Patent Technology Trend and manage patent portfolio using patent map of cooperation and research agencies.
Also, we conduct searches of prior art for patentability and recognize technology trend in advance.
We evaluate intellectual properties including patents, designs or trademarks to transfer technology and counsel on litigation settlements involving licensing.

We furnish IP-related substantial knowledge and counsel on patent strategy to the person in charge of the technology, thereby assisting the effective protection of the technology.